
【轉知訊息】2024 TRB 台灣運輸學術資訊交流會~

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2024 TRB 台灣運輸學術資訊交流會~

2024 TRB 年會 – 台灣運輸學術交流會 (2024 TRB Annual Meeting – Taiwanese Transportation Technical Information Exchange) 將於2024年1月7日舉辦。本次活動將提供一個學術交流平台,讓來自世界各地的台灣教授、學者專家及學生能互相認識、分享經驗、交換資訊,並促進台灣與世界先進國家學術交流機會。本交流會將於TRB年會期間於TRB會場舉行。
TRB的台灣運輸學術交流會緣自2009年,由Dr. David Yang (楊正義博士)接待胡守任教授與十數位台灣學者拜訪美國聯邦公路局之研究中心 (FHWA Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center)。自2010年起,本交流會改於TRB年會期間於年會場地舉行。至今本交流會已持續多年,並由旅居海外之熱心運輸人士籌辦,不收取任何費用。


1. 提供有意願的與會者 5 分鐘的時間,分享自己或所任職單位之近期職缺、研究計畫、以及任何相關資訊。以本交流會作為合作媒合平台。

2. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act 概述 -- Megan Foster


Magnolia (Mezz)/ Marriott Marquis


美東時間: 2024年1月7日

4:30 PM – 4:45 PM   Opening Remarks and Introduction

4:45 PM – 6:00 PM   Organization Highlights

Each organization has 5 minutes to show case their organization, include current or future job openings, on-going projects, or other related topics. 

Slots are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Organizations already signed up include: 

● AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

● Oak Ridge National Laboratory

● University of Arizona

● Virginia Transportation Research Council

6:00 PM – 6:30 PM   Featured Talk: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act


Megan Foster, Director of Federal Relations, AAA

Short Bio:

As Director of Federal Relations, Megan Foster works to advance AAA’s transportation funding, connected and automated vehicle and safety priorities before Congress and federal agencies. When Foster began her AAA career in 2015, she brought more than 10 years of Capitol Hill experience to the association, including service as a legislative director to three members of Congress and five years as a senior legislative assistant. She has extensive knowledge of the federal appropriations process, as well as transportation, telecommunications and homeland security policy issues. Megan is a graduate of the University of Mary Washington and holds a Masters of Arts degree in Strategic Security Studies from the College of International Security Affairs at the National Defense University

6:30 PM – 7:00 PM   Networking

Email: trb-tie@googlegroups.com
誠摯邀請各位先進分享您的研究成果,請以 Email 或於 Facebook 群組 “Taiwanese at TRB” 聯絡。
2024 TRB台灣運輸學術資訊交流會(RSVP) (google.com)

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